Paul Hammant's Blog:
Agility Alliance
Agility Alliance
EDS and friends are
in some sort of alliance. Not in itself newsworthy
from my point of view. What is newsworthy is the group's trading name
is 'Agility
Alliance'. I'm not sure when this kicked off, but I am pretty
sure that it was not before
the 'Agile
Alliance' came into being.
It is a shame that companies are rushing to frame their business
practices as
agile In this case, this newer group may
well manage to displace the Agile Alliance from its Google ranking.
Today (March 19th,
2005) at least, a search for 'Agility Alliance' ranks the former
esteemed group as
having the top five entries. For 'Agile
Alliance' the software
methodology group gets the top
30 at least.
For the record - No fixed software or hardware choice is Agile (as in methodologies). Moreover, my experience shows that the fatter the dependent installs for an Agile project, the worse it gets. The software components most friendly to Agile development are small libraries. Little things that fit inside the source control package your group is using. Oh, and hopefully the SCM package your using is little (in terms of install) too.
Anyway, long live the Agile Alliance, and shame of the Agility Alliance for not being more original with their name.

For the record - No fixed software or hardware choice is Agile (as in methodologies). Moreover, my experience shows that the fatter the dependent installs for an Agile project, the worse it gets. The software components most friendly to Agile development are small libraries. Little things that fit inside the source control package your group is using. Oh, and hopefully the SCM package your using is little (in terms of install) too.
Anyway, long live the Agile Alliance, and shame of the Agility Alliance for not being more original with their name.