Paul Hammant's Blog:
Modelling Architectures
It is 2019, and not many people talk about Cookie Cutter Scaling (one my my passions). Micro-Frontends have gained traction, and are very similar. We’re over a decade into the Micro-Services era, with old Service Orientated Architecture (SOA) being talked of much less. Monolith’s are the enemy it is said, and Functions as a Service (FaaS) are super trendy. There are dozens of differences between all these architectures, but I thought I focussed on a few of them in a single diagram. I’ll inline SVG here for the diagram, which is currently supported by 98.78% of browsers used globally. Sorry if you’re one of the 1.2%.
You could argue that Cookie Cutter Scaling is a specialization of Micro-Frontends, but the digram is complicated enough as it is.
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