1. Calculate the cross-sectional area of the fan excluding the motor core:

    • The fan's total diameter is cm ({{ (fanDiameter / 100).toFixed(2) }} m), and the motor core's diameter is cm ({{ (motorCoreDiameter / 100).toFixed(2) }} m).
    • First, calculate the area of the entire fan: Area of the entire fan=Π({{ (fanDiameter / 100).toFixed(2) }}2)2=Π({{ (fanDiameter / 200).toFixed(2) }})2={{ fanArea.toFixed(6) }}m2\text{Area of the entire fan} = \pi \left(\frac{{ (fanDiameter / 100).toFixed(2) }}{2}\right)^2 = \pi ({{ (fanDiameter / 200).toFixed(2) }})^2 = {{ fanArea.toFixed(6) }} \, \text{m}^2
    • Next, calculate the area of the motor core: Area of the motor core=Π({{ (motorCoreDiameter / 100).toFixed(2) }}2)2=Π({{ (motorCoreDiameter / 200).toFixed(2) }})2={{ motorCoreArea.toFixed(6) }}m2\text{Area of the motor core} = \pi \left(\frac{{ (motorCoreDiameter / 100).toFixed(2) }}{2}\right)^2 = \pi ({{ (motorCoreDiameter / 200).toFixed(2) }})^2 = {{ motorCoreArea.toFixed(6) }} \, \text{m}^2
    • Subtract the motor core area from the total area to get the effective airflow area: Effective airflow area={{ fanArea.toFixed(6) }}m2-{{ motorCoreArea.toFixed(6) }}m2={{ effectiveArea.toFixed(6) }}m2\text{Effective airflow area} = {{ fanArea.toFixed(6) }} \, \text{m}^2 - {{ motorCoreArea.toFixed(6) }} \, \text{m}^2 = {{ effectiveArea.toFixed(6) }} \, \text{m}^2
  2. Calculate the airflow rate in cubic meters per second (m³/s):

    • Multiply the effective area by the average air velocity measured at the fan surface: m/s: Airflow rate={{ effectiveArea.toFixed(6) }}m2x{{ airSpeed }}m/s={{ airflowRate.toFixed(6) }}m3/s\text{Airflow rate} = {{ effectiveArea.toFixed(6) }} \, \text{m}^2 \times {{ airSpeed }} \, \text{m/s} = {{ airflowRate.toFixed(6) }} \, \text{m}^3/\text{s}
  3. Convert the airflow rate to cubic meters per hour (m³/h):

    • There are 3600 seconds in an hour, so: Airflow rate={{ airflowRate.toFixed(6) }}m3/sx3600s/h={{ airflowRatePerHour.toFixed(6) }}m3/h\text{Airflow rate} = {{ airflowRate.toFixed(6) }} \, \text{m}^3/\text{s} \times 3600 \, \text{s/h} = {{ airflowRatePerHour.toFixed(6) }} \, \text{m}^3/\text{h}
  4. Calculate the per-fan CADR:

    • CADR is the product of the airflow rate and the filter efficiency.
    • The filter efficiency is %, or {{ (pfe / 100).toFixed(2) }} as a decimal.
    • So, the CADR is: CADR={{ airflowRatePerHour.toFixed(6) }}m3/hx{{ (pfe / 100).toFixed(2) }}={{ cadr.toFixed(6) }}m3/h\text{CADR} = {{ airflowRatePerHour.toFixed(6) }} \, \text{m}^3/\text{h} \times {{ (pfe / 100).toFixed(2) }} = {{ cadr.toFixed(6) }} \, \text{m}^3/\text{h}
  5. Number of identical fans:

    • Number of fans:
    • Total CADR for all fans: Total CADR={{ cadr.toFixed(2) }}m3/hx{{ numFans }}={{ totalCadr.toFixed(2) }}m3/h\text{Total CADR} = {{ cadr.toFixed(2) }} \, \text{m}^3/\text{h} \times {{ numFans }} = {{ totalCadr.toFixed(2) }} \, \text{m}^3/\text{h}

In summary, after taking the motor core into account, the total Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) for {{ numFans }} fan(s) at {{ airSpeed }} m/s through a {{ pfe }}% efficient filter is approximately {{ totalCadr.toFixed(2) }} cubic meters per hour or {{ totalCadrCfm.toFixed(2) }} cubic feet per minute (cfm).