1. Meals or exercise ... and dates within those

({{abs(mOrE.$$kcals)}} calories) {{mOrE.verb}}
{{mOrE.name}} '{{date.name}}', date: {{date.when | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} ({{date.items.length}} {{mOrE.plural}}, tot calories: {{abs(totCalories(date.items)) | number :0}} {{mOrE.verb}})
{{item.item}}: {{abs(item.kcal)}} calories {{mOrE.verb}}

2. Dates ... and meals or exercise within those

{{key | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}
({{ value.$$kcals }} calories total)
{{mOrE.type}} '{{mOrE.name}}', ({{mOrE.items.length}} {{mOrE.plural}}, tot calories: {{abs(totCalories(mOrE.items)) | number :0}} {{mOrE.verb}})
{{item.item}}: {{abs(item.kcal)}} calories {{mOrE.verb}}

3. Model data as it came from the server (and could go back with a PUT)

{{mealsAndExercise | json}}

4. Model underpinning view #1

{{mealsOrExerciseThenDates | json}}

5. Model underpinning view #2

{{datesThenMealsOrExercise | json}}